Where you at Phelps Family?? Whats up with you guys??? Let me tell you :)
Collin: The boy is into rocks. Breaking rocks, collecting rocks, throwing rocks. He has also picked up the reading bug that this whole family has. Its awesome to see him reading big chapter books now. Video games are a must. High on the list right now are Madden 15 and Guitar Hero. He is a pro in those worlds! He is in math spike (advance math) and complains constantly. But hey he can already handle fractions.... it was a rough few lessons but he can do it. He also just got picked to be in a language spike. However he is not happy about it. The little boy stage is slipping past. It still shocks me to look at my baby and see he is not a baby.
Lilah: This girl is a busy bee. She goes to two youth groups and loves both. She is getting really good on that saxophone of hers. Some 5th graders have joined morning band and she is their coach. She is over it already, lol. She loves being on student counsel. She is doing junior leadership at our church. Her favorite is when she gets to do the video announcements! She is an emotional roller coaster lately. Up down and all around. I love seeing her grow into a young lady. We have a great relationship and I pray it continues to grow stronger. Her heart is full and willing to love all those around her.
Parker: Nothing prepares you for a teenager. Nothing. Ive been working with youth for over 10 yrs now and its nothing like doing it yourself with your own teen. We have had some big downs but are making our way back up that hill with Parker. It has been rough. The communication can be nonexsistent. But I still see my first born boy in there. He is just on a road of trying to figure out who the man is going to be. We have had amazing support!!! I cant thank enough those who have encouraged us, supported us, held us while we cried, talked with us, and taken the time to walk with Parker.
He is still running and runnning. His ablility to run 4 miles without blinking an eye is amazing to me. He is getting ready to try out for the golf team. Every night you can find him in his room putting golf balls into a cup. He is also getting ready to attend a youth conference in mid-Feb and is pretty excited for it. He is talking with his youth pastor about taking more of a leadership role in youth. He started Young Life this year and is really enjoying it.
Terra: My second babies (my niece and nephew) are still with me. Its crazy to think Trisha will graduate this June. The house with not feel the same without the 3 of them here with us. Im slowly thinking about where my life will go next year without them. Im going to give some more time to Young Lives. They are hoping to have me lead a new program for our girls who graduate Young Lives. It would be a two year program that focuses on growing them in their faith and becoming Young Live Mentors if they wanted to. Im really excited for this program!!! Ive also thrown around the idea of going back to Starbucks 12 hrs a week. The free coffee keeps callling me back :) This family also keeps me super busy and I love being open to love and support them. We will see in the fall. I know God has it figured out so I wont stress. Ive been running for 3 weeks and decided that my knees just cant take it. Im pretty bummed out. Lewiston is full of hills. I dont know if thats the problem or the concrete Im running on. Looks like Ill have to sign up at a gym, become a fast pace walker, or use my elliptical.
Bryan: My man has been all about the new bathroom downstairs. After finding some water leaking issues he ended up ripping the whole thing apart. He has done all the work himself (with the help of his friend Nate) and I have to say it looks amazing!! We painted it yesterday and he has been busy laying the floor down. This spring we are also starting the project of opening up the basement to a huge patio. He wont be doing that project but busy watching over it. We are getting ready to branch our small group in March. With that he will move into a coaching role along with us starting up a new group. Its exciting to see God opening these doors for him. He has taken a Patriots stand for the Super Bowl. It makes me sick that he would side with Brady so we wont even go there. Hey I love him but that is not acceptable :) Work is going great. It doesnt get much better for him in that department.
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