What?! When!? Why!? I want my little boy to be little again. Pre-teen..I dont think I am ready for this. I found out this morning my little boy has been using my dinosaur computer to set up an email and facebook account. Huh?! He did what!? I didnt even know he knew how to use a computer (ok I did but I was still surprised he could do all that). After a long talk and discussion we closed the facebook account down. It clearly states you need to be 13 and last time I checked Pk was only 11(thank you facebook)! I just realized this is the beginning of a long road we will be going down for at least the next 7yrs of Parkers life. I hope God has given Bryan and I the wisdom, love, patience, and strength for this!
As a side note, ever since Parker was born I have called him Pk. My nickname for him. Today I saw all his usernames had Pk in them. I was proud that he loves Pk as much as I do :)
I can't believe it! Our kids are growing so fast!