Friday, May 10, 2013

Griffin Scott

I have been waiting for my little nephew to be born.  My biggest worry was being 2 hrs away and not making it in time.  God worked it all out perfectly though!  I went up to Spokane with my friend Rainy to do some shopping and we got a phone call while eating lunch.  It was go time.  Rainy was super sweet and drove me over to my sisters house.  This was my first baby to see be born into the world.  It was an amazing experience!  My sister delivers her babies at a midwife home.  Very similar to a home birth.  Trisha rocked it!!!  At 8:40pm she delivered a 10lbs 12oz healthy little boy.  She only asked me to call Bryan once for an epidural ;)  He is perfect!!!  I love all his crazy hair!

1 comment:

  1. Babies are amazing! He's got awesome hair! That's so cool that you got to be there. Congrats to your sister!
