Since my last post I have been slowly working through who I am. I find myself changed from the whole experience of thyroid cancer. Change is not always bad or always good... some times its just change.
I find myself struggling with feeling depressed more often. Im more sensitive to others and their heart aches. I can feel very anti social. I can pray for you like I have never prayed before. I listen more and talk less. Im grateful for super small things. I HATE cancer. Ive come to realize that this experience is something I can embrace instead of trying to put behind me. Ive seen God....He is so powerful, loving, everlasting, comforting, and just plain amazing.
My body has pretty much balanced out now and my meds are set. I had my first cancer marker and it came back clear! I struggled with a block salivary gland. It was very painful and would swell up when I ate. Dct said I was going to need surgery to remove it. I woke up every day and prayed for God to remove it. Its been gone for almost a month now!!! Mark 5:34 - He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”
Im holding Gods hand and going through a journey. Im finding the new me.
I love you, Terra! You're an amazing woman, and your faith is inspiring.