Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Our Southern Belle

The day after Christmas we found out Belle has oral cancer.  She had a huge tumor underneath her tongue and it had rotten away most of the bottom of her tongue.  She had surgery done to remove 8 inches long 2 inches wide of her tongue.  She came home and wouldn't eat or drink.  She then lost blood supply to the end of her tongue and it began to rot and fall off.  Once again she went into surgery.  She came home and again wouldn't eat or drink.  We were thinking we were going to have to put her down.  But our Belle is a fighter.  She is now eating soft food.  She is drinking as long as we add a bit of milk to her water.  Slowly she is gaining back all the weight she lost.  The results came back and they are giving her 2 to 6 months to live before the cancer comes back.
Its crazy how many memories get tied into a dog.  To me Belle is everything I love and miss about Texas.  We got her shortly after having Collin. I was a super woman back then who was willing to tackle a newborn baby and puppy at the same time! Collin and her are the same age.  To Bryan she is his hunting partner.  The one always by his side.  They have walked many miles together and had many adventures.  She loves to hunt and get those birds :)  
She shares my dad's birthday with him.  She was Rocco's partner in crime and now she is Gunner's best friend.  She loves to spin circles over and over and over again.  She is a jealous b*tch and hates whenever someone else is getting more attention then her.  She has been my running partner and my roller blade puller.  She has traveled all around with us.  She sheds all the time!  She protects, loves, and at times drive us crazy.  Belle is our family.  We are happy to have the extra time with her.  Our family is praying for a healing miracle.  My God is able.  We love our Southern Belle.

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