My sisters have convinced me to run a half marathon with them. Ok they are trying to convince me to run a half marathon with them. Im not really sure Im buying into it yet. 13 miles of running is not something I have on my bucket list. Its a trail run at Farragut State Park. You camp out the night before and have a potluck dinner. They are trying to butter me up with the food and beauty. Its a pretty good idea if Im honest.
My knees had stopped me all together from running. However, I heard that running on a treadmill wouldn't be so hard on them so I decided to buy one. Its an amazing treadmill. If Im telling the truth Im a little in LOVE with it. My knees still get sore but don't throb and ache like they use to. Running is a funny thing. You start out and can't even make it a mile. You think why would I ever run, I hate it. Then you keep pushing yourself. You get support and accountability. Before you know it your running two miles and you find its kind of easy. And up and up you go in miles. I hit four today. Its the perfect distance for me....I can run it in the same time it takes me to watch an episode of Once Upon a Time. Im still not convinced I want to run 13 miles but my sisters keep encouraging me to train. We will see. Right now Im actually convinced I like to run. And that is a crazy thing.
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