Friday, February 13, 2015

Taking action

I had someone share this with me the other day and found it to be super interesting.  In my life I am always finding sins/struggles that I want to get rid of.  I start by wanting to completely remove it as fast as possible.  I identified it, tell myself I will not struggle with it any more, and when I fail I try again.  Usually I realize its going to be a long process so I decide to get God involve and I pray about it.  Then after I pray I try my fast plan again. On and on it goes.
Im not going to lose my temper.  Im not going to gossip at all.  Im not going to have any impure thoughts.   Im not going to let my pride get in the way.  Im not going to be selfish.  Im not going to think anything unkind.  Im not going to let those voices tell me Im not good enough, skinny enough, smart enough, or doing enough.  Im not going to freak out about my house being dirty.  Im not going to get consumed with meaningless things.  Im not going to over eat.  Im not going to drink more then 1 cup of coffee.  Im not going to buy more clothes.
Im full of everything Im not going to do.  I set myself up to fail.  I do fail.  I feel guilty.  I begin to think I will never change.  After so long I begin to see only Christ can take the sin/struggle away from me.  I depend on him.   And I have seen Him release me from things.  I grow in my faith and my walk.  But what if I took a different approach.  Dont get me wrong we always need to depend on Him.  He is the one who can release us from the chains we carry. But what if we turned it into action.  Instead of everything Im not going to do I think of what I am going to do.
I am going to do something unselfish today.  Im going to find two opportunities to hold my tongue.  Im going to recite scripture of truth when I hear the voices.  I am going to do 5 random acts of kindness.  Im going to find one way to show someone I love them today.  Im going to open my eyes to others around me.  Im going to buy/make something for someone today.  Im going to eat carrots today as a snack.  I am going to say Im sorry quicker.  Im going to have 5 lunches in my car to give to the homeless.  Im going to do one outreach project at my church.  Im going to have a game night this week with my kids.  I am going to turn off the radio while in the car and talk to God.  Im going to look at my kids when they talk to me today.  I am going to call one friend today just to tell them I love them.
My plan is to take some action.

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