Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Went in yesterday for my radioactive iodine treatment.  After I took the pills I came home and was ready to eat.  I had a salad and half a sandwich that I got from Costco.  I was so happy to be eating again.  It was AMAZING. Then it all went down hill.  I got super nauseous. I never left the bed again for the rest of the day except to go the bathroom.  I woke up this morning with swelling and tenderness in my neck and salivary glands which I guess is another side effect.  My face looks like a marshmallow!  Positive thing, I was able to take my first dose of thyroid medicine today.  Hoping tomorrow brings some better changes to the way I feel.  Im taking my sisters advice right now: listening to worship music, reading my bible, and nibbling on plain toast.  I know many of you are saying prayers for me, Im truly grateful.

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